Notation :

  • [a, b] - implies the range of integers from a to b inclusive.
  • LGC - Linear Congruential Generators

Using rand()

Let’s give an example of generating 16 numbers in the range [0, 99].

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        printf("%d", rand() % 100);

A seemingly innocuous code with no visible syntactical or logical fallacies. Let’s dive into each one of the functions and variables.

  • time(NULL) :
    1. In C (and also C++), NULL is 0 and it’s an integer. Hence, it has a high tendency to cause unintended function overloads and lead to ambiguous code. Use nullptr instead(from C++11).
    2. time runs once every second. Run the code more than once in a second, and now you can replicate the seed.
  • srand(time(NULL)) : time() returns a 64-bit time_t, while srand() accepts 32-bit unsigned int. Hence, a loss of precision here and potentially vulnerable.
  • rand() :
    1. It has a range of [0, 32767] (215-1). That is awfully small for several use cases today. For instance, you cannot sample data from a dataset of size > 32767 and we deal with hundreds of thousands of data rows easily.
    2. it uses Linear Congruential Generators for pseudo-random number generation and if the parameters, namely modulus(m), multiplier(a) and increment(c) do not obey certain conditions, the generated numbers do not acheive a periodicity of m and hence, not a uniform distribution.
    3. In higher dimensions, LGCs lie on well-defined hyperplanes(Marsaglia’s Theorem). Not something you want in an internet facing code.
  • rand()%100 : rand() has a range of [0, 32767]. The length is not a multiple of 100 and if you split the range into buckets of 100, you get 32700 buckets of equal length 100 and one incomplete bucket of length 68 i.e.[0, 67]. Repeat the numbers long enough and the frequency of the first 68 numbers will be higher than the rest.

Introducing <random>

Starting from C++11, provides the random header which hosts and bunch of random distributions and clean way to draw samples from them as well. The distributions I tend to encounter most are :


Complete list available here.

Coming back to the pseudo-random number generation problem, our task is to draw integer samples from a uniform distribution in the range [0, 99]. This time we can use uniform_int_distribution. To draw samples from the above distribution, we need to provide a Random Number Engine (LGC being one). This time, instead of LGC, we use mersenne_twister_engine. Further, unlike srand() to set a seed, let’s use random_engine which produces uniformly distributed non-deterministic random numbers.

The new code snippet is as follows:

#include <random>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 mt(rd()); // Can be supplied with static seeds like any non-negative integral value
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0, 99);

    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        std::cout << dist(mt) << "\n";

We’ll start with std::mt19937 first and come to random_device later.

  • std::mt19937 :
    1. Creates a random number generation engine based on Mersenne Twister Algorithm
    2. Its periodicity is 219937 i.e. its range is [0, 219937-1]. That’s absolutely massive.
    3. It is faster than true random methods (like random_device which rely on hardware devices)
    4. Passes several statistical tests for randomness including Diehard Tests.
    5. Not cryptographically secure.
  • std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(a, b) :
    1. Passing the engine to dist, we want numbers in the range [a, b].
    2. Works on signed/unsigned short/int/long/long long, but not on char.
  • std::random_device :
    1. Can be used to set 32-bit and higher seeds.
    2. It is non-seedable and hence non-reproducible.
    3. It is slower than Mersenne-Twister.

The code-snippets and analysis have been derived from the talk by Stephan T. Lavavej and the intention of this article is to provide an abridged version in readable format for future reference.